Friday, July 8, 2011

Hunting for House Hunters + a great quote & a cute picture of T

Is anyone out there on the hunt for a house in my neck-o-the woods? If so, my padres are selling their home. Here are the highlights:

THE VIEW!!! Oh I love those mountains!

The kitchen: stainless steel appliances, lots of cabinets, kitchen window that looks into the fenced backyard, etc...

Brick exterior, great fenced yard, 2-car garage, great schools, great neighborhood & even a garden in full bloom.

They are just trying to spread the word about their home before they list with an agent so they can pass the savings onto the buyer rather than paying a commission to the Realtor.

More details are listed here.

(If you buy their house I will be over to steal stuff from the garden, just a warning.)

So many things I want to share. Not enough time! I was listening to an audio book today and there was a great quote:

"The worst mistake I could make would be getting lulled into someone else's race."
(Born to Run)

So applicable to not just racing, but to life in general. I had such a great run out on the trails today. With my wobbly ankles I never thought I would be able to do trail running, but so far, so good. I just love these mountains and I love Utah summers.

Yesterday we spent 6.5 hours at the pool. Today it was an hour and a half. Tomorrow, we will see... it depends how much longer I can stand to have dirty dishes in the sink. Natalie and I brewed up a brilliant idea while at the pool yesterday...I am going to solicit the dry suit companies to donate dry suits for the little cast patients at Shriners. The dry suits would then be returned to Shriners once the cast was removed or the child outgrew it. It would be great for the children in the casts and their families and would be great publicity for the drysuit company as well. That is going to be my next project. Wish me luck. 

(thanks for taking this picture Kacie:)

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