Saturday, October 22, 2011

missing u

Dear Fry Guy & Princess,

This morning I slept in. I didn't have to get up from eating dinner to wipe anyone's bum. As I sit here, our house is tidier than it has been for...uh...quite a while. It's quiet. So quiet I can hear the fridge running.

But still, I miss you two like crazy. I know that the house wouldn't be so clean, that there would be fighting and arguing. That I might not have showered. But, I miss the sweet sound of the two of you playing together. I miss hearing you tell me you love me, spontaneously, randomly, throughout the day. I miss your cute little mugs, and your sweet hugs.

Have so much fun with your daddy and your Nana and Papa and your aunts and uncles and cousins in Denver. I can't wait to hear all about it, and I can't wait to give you a giant hug and kiss when you get home!


Your mama

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